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关注大脑“亚健康” 国际部在行动

时间:2020-08-14 16:20    作者:冬雷脑科

    关注大脑“亚健康” 国际部在行动
    Brain Health Events by International Services
    Brian is one of the most crucial organs in our body; however, it is not given much attention in daily lives. When symptoms like fatigue, headache, insomnia, poor memory, and difficulty of focusing appear, it is time for us to take care of our brain health!
    Life is often threatened when there is an issue occurs inside of the brain. In order to bring the awareness of brain health care to people, Shanghai Donglei Brain Hospital went into communities and companies with several brain health events.
    Yanlord Western Garden Event
    Do you know there are over 300 million people suffering from sleep disorders, and over 200 million people having insomnia? Containing better sleep quality becomes an urgency for the majority of population. On June the 11th, Dr. Wenli Zhang gave a speech on how to overcome insomnia.

    During the event, Dr. Zhang suggested on how to self-test possible sleepless problems and provided the audience some useful sleeping tips. For instance, there were tips like keeping stable "circadian cycle", avoid over drinking, and avoid exercising three hours before going to bed. Dr. Zhang offered detailed solutions to each participants who asked about their sleep troubles, and she received many feedbacks.
    TaiKang Life Insurancc Event
    Many office workers spend too much time in front of their computers thus face with the concerns of spinal diseases. Dr. Dongyang Heng gave the speech on spinal health to the customers from TaiKang Life Insurance Company.

    Dr. Heng summarized the definition of common lumbar disc herniation (LDH) and its treatment methods. Each audience participated and enjoyed some quick exercises to prevent spinal cord problems.
    Our Internaional Services will keep cooperating with institutions, comunities and insurance agencies, and bring more events in the future.



下一篇:宋冬雷教授 Dr.Donglei Song





沪医广【2019】第09-17-G439 沪ICP备18046001号-1