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时间:2020-08-14 15:03    作者:冬雷脑科

    International Services of Shanghai Donglei Brain Hospital

    In order to satisfy the diverse, multi-dimensional medical demands, Shanghai Donglei Brain Hospital has launched its international service division.
    Based on the special features of “diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders” and “management of the whole life-span in brain health”, the hospital integrates with the mode of family doctors to provide private and full-scale medical cares. It includes care for cerebrovascular diseases, brain tumors, functional neurosurgery, neurocritical care, neurorehabilitation, spinal cord and spinal specialty, pain specialty, respiratory medicine, cardiology, and sleep disorders. We aim to provide value-based refined disease care and personalized health management with both general and specialist clinical services.
    International Services gathers a team of senior specialists, and experienced clinical care nurses. Patients here are treated one-to-one with senior specialists. The specialists provide the initial diagnosis that fully protect the patients’ right to know.
    International Services contains advanced examination devices from Siemens and high-grade microsurgical equipment, providing patients with safe, efficient, and minimally invasive treatment with private and comfortable experience.

    We cooperate with multiple national and international commercial insurance companies to provide patients with convenient insurance payment methods.
    我们以专业、高端的医疗服务水准为更多患者提供便捷的特色医疗服务。秉承患者需求第一和价值导向型的国际部特色 ,致力于给患者带去希望和温暖,为海内外患者提供卓越的治疗和服务。
    We offer professional and advanced medical care for patients, providing them with convenient and unique medical experience. Adhering to the principles of patient-first and value-based, we devote ourselves to patients with hope and kind, and serve with sincere care for all patients.
    The Advantages of International Services
    Senior specialists diagnose in person, providing more accurate assessment:
    Our hospital was founded by former Huashan Hospital brain specialist, and members of the medical team mostly graduated from Huashan, Tiantan, or have been conducting research and studying here. Led by Professor Song, several medical experts have had further studied and trained abroad and gained advanced clinical experiences. Well-known experts from the top hospitals in Shanghai provide medical services regularly.
    At least 30 minutes specialist clinic:
    Specialists conduct initial diagnosis to communicate sufficiently with patients and to understand their conditions for a more comprehensive future treatment plan that fully protect the patients’ right to know.
    Multidisciplinary team (MDT):
    We also provide patients with multidisciplinary team (MDT) service by a team of experienced specialists, allowing one-step solution (from online video call, offline outpatient service and others)。



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沪医广【2019】第09-17-G439 沪ICP备18046001号-1