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宋冬雷教授 Dr.Donglei Song

时间:2020-08-14 16:58    作者:冬雷脑科

    From Doctor Donglei Song:
    Why Do I Dedicate Myself to Minimally Invasive Neurosurgical Interventions?

    During the early phase of my career, I was focusing on the practice of craniotomy. However, traditional craniotomy brings serious traumas, slow recovery, and various postoperational complications to patients. It was tough for me to witness the pain that patients went through. In order to bring them better treatments, smaller wounds, and quicker recovery, I determined to study minimally invasive neurosrugical interventions.
    After 4 years of heavy training and practice on domestic cases, an innovated technology used in cerebrovascular treatment caught my attention. It was called Onyx, a liquid embolic system used on the treatment of intracranial arteriovenous malformations.
    In 2004, I went to Brazil and Turkey to study Onyx treatment and became the first lincensed Chinese doctor in this field. Hard work finally paid off.
    Went back to China, my team gathered valuable experiences from abundant clinical practices. We were invited to numerous international academic seminars representing Chinese academic group, and to multiple hospitals in Hong Kong to provide technical guidance on Onyx.
    In 2007, I was invited to Prince of Wales Hospital in Hong Kong to give a lecture on the topic of neurointervention, and successfully supervised a live operation.
    In 2008, I flew to Queen Mary Hospital to provide guidance to a arteriovenous malformation case using interventional surgery.

    In 2012, I was invited to the Louvre for World Live Neurovascular Conference (WLNC) to give a speech and conduct live satellite broadcasting for case commenting.  It was a great honor to share the applications of this technology to patents in China with top medical experts around the world, and our work was highly regarded and recognized.

    As medical technology develops, the treatment methods were also rapidly evolving. In 2015, I set my eyes on the "Pipeline" technology which was the most advanced neurointerventional surgical method at the time. After studying in Canada and the US, I became the first group of certificated "Pipeline" Chinese trainer.
    My team became the pioneer of "Pipeline" in treating intracranial aneurysm in China. The technology improved from the first generation to the second generation. So far we have done around 200 cases using the "Pipeline" method.
    I remember there was a Canadian patient who had a sudden cerebral hemorrhage in Shanghai, and he was diagnosed as having complex intracranial aneurysm. After the successful surgery using "Pipeline" technology, the patient fully recovered and was very impressed with Chinese doctor’s capability.

    (Aneurysm is labeled as red part in the left image; "Pipeline" is illustrated as the purple section; the right image is the lesion part after treatment)
    My team and I are glad to see more and more patients recover after receiving "Pipeline" treatment. This is the best reward for our hard work over years!
    Minimally invasive neurointerventional treatment is becoming the mainstream for future neurosurgeries. My team and I will not stop our steps to bring the best technology and solutions to our patients.

    宋冬雷 教授
    Professor Donglei Song
    Founder of Brain Doctor Group
    Dean of Shanghai Donglei Brain Hospital
    PhD Supervisor and chief physician at Huashan Hospital and Fudan University
    Founder of vascular intervention at Huashan Hospital
    Chief physcician of Acotr Zhao Benshan
    Vice Chairman of Neural Intervention of China Physican Committee
    Vice Chairman of Neural Intervention of China Neurosugical Physician Committee
    Deputy Secretary-General of China Physician Neural Intervention Diagnosis and Treatment Coordination Committee
    President of the Neurosugical Division at Shanghai Social Medical Institution
    擅长:同时精通脑血管介入及开颅手术、脑肿瘤手术等;开展各类开颅手术、介入20000余例 。
    Specialized in: cerebrovascular interventions, craniotomy and brain tumors;  successfully carried out over 20000 surgeries in craniotomy and neural intervetions


上一篇:关注大脑“亚健康” 国际部在行动






沪医广【2019】第09-17-G439 沪ICP备18046001号-1